Aquaculture Council of WA
The Aquaculture Council of Western Australia (ACWA), is the State’s peak aquaculture industry body. It is a member driven organisation working to ensure a profitable future for its members and a viable future for the aquaculture industry.
Australian Fisheries Economics Network
The aim of the Australian Fisheries Economic Network is to strengthen research in the area of fisheries economics by creating a forum in which fisheries economists, fisheries managers and Ph.D. students can share research ideas and results, research opportunities, as well as news of upcoming events.
Australian Prawn Farmers Association
The Australian Prawn Farmers Association was formed in 1993 to represent the interests and foster the development of the Australian prawn farming industry. The Association is a key contact for investors, new farmers and firms wishing to do business with the Australian prawn farming sector.

Marine Stewardship Council
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) operates a certification and ecolabel program based on a scientifically robust standard for assessing whether wild-capture fisheries are ecologically sustainable and well managed. The MSC program is recognised as a global leader in the independent, third-party assessment and certification of sustainable fisheries.
Northern Territory Seafood Council
The NTSC represents the industry’s interests in a diverse range of forums including a number of regional Aboriginal fishery consultative committees, fishery management advisory committees, conference s and workshops on specific issues such as the environment and native title, formal parliamentary committees, individual government and non-government bodies and the media. The NTSC works to promote, engage in, encourage and assist research, conservation and other activities beneficial to the interests of the NT’s commercial seafood industry.
Queensland Seafood Industry Association
The QSIA is the peak industry body representing the Queensland Seafood industry. Its members include professional fishers, seafood processors, marketers, retailers and other businesses associated with the seafood industry. The QSIA works to promote the consumption of wild-caught Queensland seafood.
Recfishwest is the peak body representing the interests of 740,000 recreational fishers in Western Australia. It is a not-for-profit community based organisation that strives to ensure high quality fishing experiences are maintained and enjoyed, as an integral part of the WA lifestyle.
Seafood Industry Victoria
Seafood Industry Victoria (SIV) is a not for profit, non-government organisation representing the interests of Victoria’s seafood industry.
Seafood New Zealand
Seafood New Zealand has a small team of specialists and support staff who work on behalf of the industry to provide services across a range of disciplines. This small team works closely with staff from Sector Representative Entities, such as Aquaculture New Zealand, the NZ Rock Lobster Industry Council and Fisheries Inshore NZ, to promote and protect the interests of the commercial fishing sector.

Southern Seafood Producers WA
The Southern Seafood Producers (WA) Association (SSPWA) is a platform for the united professional producers of fine quality seafood in South Western Australia to interact with the public, government, regulators and potential partners for the first time. The SSPWA strives for greater support for our seafood producer families and is the industry body representing the interests of all South West Coast Seafood Producers in Western Australia. Formed in 2017, the SSPWA is made up of a Management Committee, with two representative for each of the regional centers:
Metropolitan Region;
South West Region;
Albany Region; and
Esperance Region.
Each Management Committee Member is elected by our Members – grass root participants of the commercial fishing industry in WA with a current Fishery Licence.
Sydney Fishmarkets
The Sydney Fish Markets is the largest market of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and the third largest seafood market in terms of variety in the world. A working fish market, SFM sources product both nationally and internationally and trades more than 14,500 tonnes of seafood annually – with up to one hundred sustainable seafood species traded every day and approximately 500 species traded annually.
Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Information
This site provides a good snapshot of Tasmanian fisheries and aquaculture and the various activities that impact, both positively and negatively on commercial fishing and aquaculture in Tasmania.

Western Rock Lobster Council
The Western Rock Lobster Council is a non-profit incorporated organisation representing WA’s commercial rock lobster industry – Australia’s most valuable wild-catch fishery that is worth an estimated $400million annually.