AMSA unveils compliance focus for 2023-24
Following the release of its National Compliance Plan for 2023-24, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has now detailed the focus of its compliance activities for domestic commercial vessels, including fishing.
AMSA uses a data-driven, risk-based approach to focus its compliance activities, with an aim to improve safety outcomes for the people who work in maritime industries across Australia.
Key focus areas will be:
- Safe navigation
- Electrical safety
- Incident reporting culture
- Planned maintenance, and
- fire safety.
New requirements around operational safety, specifically on safety risk assessments, crewing and safety management systems, which came into force on 1 August 2023, have also made the priority list.
AMSA inspectors will be working on an education program on these issues for the first 12 months.
A survey of domestic commercial vessel operators in 2022 also highlighted the need for improved understanding of marine pollution requirements, introducing MARPOL Annex V (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships). This will also be a focus area for 2023-24.
Planned maintenance has been included following reports that propulsion machinery and vessel equipment failures have increased by 34 per cent over the past 12 months.
You can download AMSA’s National Compliance Plan here.