ProWest News – DBCA called out for failed management capabilities
The processes and external influences engaged by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) in relation to the proposed South Coast Marine Park are becoming even more farcical, as we discover that no budget has been allocated for the many millions of dollars required for the management of the proposed marine park, let alone a compensation safety net for lost fisheries businesses.
Even more concerning is information recently shared with us about the poor state of oversight of WA’s existing marine parks – some of which have management plans that are more than a decade out of date! DBCA knows full well that it simply can’t manage its current marine resources, yet they rip out and open more parks.
Unfortunately, the risk moving forward is that the process has now become so non-compliant with DBCA’s own policies and stated commitments, especially their utilisation of overseas lobbyists, that it may potentially expose any final outcome to legitimate challenge.
We thank those many people who are sharing interesting information, there is plenty more news to break over coming weeks.