ProWest News – Science integrity has become a marine park casualty
The more we dig, the more we find, as we dive deeper into the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions’ (DBCA) flawed marine park planning process.
Today we look at the ‘science’ used, which is predominantly based on a desktop study of a decades-old desktop study, backed up by some personal opinions.
Then we have a bombshell claim from within DBCA itself, where a senior manager claims to have ‘ownership’ level influence over one of WA’s most respected marine research institutions.
There’s a lot of ground covered, but it all reinforces the community fears that DBCA is choreographing a pre-determined outcome that will kill off the South Coast fishing industry and the regional coastal towns it supports, while also choking the supply of fresh, local seafood into the WA community.
You can read the full story in today’s Prowest here.