Stay Afloat supporting mental health for the fishing industry

It’s a fact that Australia’s commercial fishers endure mental health problems at almost double the rate of the general population; and almost half of those who reported problems haven’t reached out for help because they thought no one would understand the pressures of the industry.

It’s a confronting issue and one that is well known across the industry, but now there is a program to help fishers reach out for support.

Stay Afloat Australia is the national mental health pilot program designed to support the mental wellness and education of members of the Australian Seafood industry and their families. The program educates healthcare workers about the Australian seafood industry, its operations and stressors, which in turn helps them understand the history of commercial fishing in a region by providing them with resources to learn a little more about the local industry and what the life of a fisher is like.

The program is funded and managed through Seafood Industry Australia and offers ways for you to get involved and make 2022 a year of wellbeing.

Trusted local industry advocates
StayAfloat works with local industry leaders to find Trusted Advocates who are available to lend a listening ear and provide fishers and families with support by:

  • Having a chat – sometimes we all need an ear, and your advocates know and understand the pressures you’re facing;
  • They can offer you tips on wellness and stress management;
  • Help you to connect with an expert; and
  • Educate your local healthcare providers on the commercial fishing industry so they’ll understand what you’re up against if you reach out for help.

 If you are interested in becoming a Trusted Advocate in your local seafood community contact Jo at StayAfloat.

 Trusted Advocates are only trained to provide a listening ear and to help guide you to professional support services, they are not crisis counsellors.

Should you or someone close to you be in crisis, or immediate danger please call 000, or visit your nearest hospital emergency department.

Community Resilience Grants
The final round of Community Resilience grants is now open.  These are a great way to celebrate and support our industry colleagues.

Grants of up to $2000 are available to members of the commercial seafood community to go towards activities that connect people to each other and contribute to wellbeing:

  • Hold a BBQ alongside your next AGM,
  • Organise a community walk,
  • Arrange speakers to attend your port meetings
  • Team up with your local community to showcase the great work of our commercial fishers, or
  • Something else you’ve always wanted to do in your community.

Applications are super easy for these low-admin grants. Program manager, Jo Marshall, is always on hand to help you step through the process.

You’ll find more information at

Free mental health first aid training
Ever wanted to know how to help a friend or mate who is struggling? Interested in mental health first aid but too busy to attend a course?

Stay Afloat offers Mental Health First Aid training online in the comfort of your own home or office. The course is FREE for anyone involved in the seafood industry – that includes fishers, deckhands, employees of commercial fishing businesses, processors, retailers, suppliers to industry and even their family members over 18 years of age.

The program is tailored to your industry and self-paced with:

  • 5-7 hours of self-paced e-learning,
  • Two x 2.5 hour Zoom workshops where you’ll be guided through how to have conversations to help people experiencing crisis or possible mental health problems.

Over 160 people have already completed this training and the feedback has been phenomenal.

“I’ve always been a person that people come to with their problems.  Now, I finally know what to say and how to help them”
– Fran, Unloader, Darwin

If that sounds, like you, or if you are interested in learning more, head to either of the following links for more information and to register.

Mental Health First Aid Courses
Want to hold your own Mental Health first aid in house?  If you can get 10 or more people together from your company or community, we’ll provide it at times, dates and locations to suit you – and yes, it’s still FREE!

Find out more by emailing [email protected] to discuss your options.

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