Transitional arrangements from AMSA Exemption 38 to Coxswain Grade 3 ticket
If you have been working under an Exemption 38 (low complexity duties) on a domestic commercial vessel, please take note that this exemption was replaced by a new entry-level certificate of competency, called a Coxswain Grade 3, on 1 January 2023.
The new certificate allows people who meet the pre-requisites, to operate vessels <12m in smooth waters or close to shore
Transitional arrangements are in place which make it easier for existing workers to comply with these pre-requisites, and in particular the new Certificate of Medical Fitness – Domestic Seafarers requirement, but these end on 31 December 2023.
If you meet the pre-requisites, you can work as a Coxswain Grade 3. It’s as simple as that.
Applying to AMSA to be issued with a Coxswain Grade 3 certificate is optional but may assist you in demonstrating your credentials.
What are the pre-requisites?
- Be at least 16 years old;
- Be able to speak and understand English, including written documents;
- Be medically fit for the duties, including eyesight;
- Gain any needed sea service;
- Complete any required on-water practical tasks;
- Hold a recreational boat license, issued by a State or Territory, or complete a training option listed under ‘new certificate’.
If you’re an existing worker, you need to satisfy the pre-requisites for a Coxswain Grade 3 if you wish to continue working in your current role.
Check to make sure you meet these pre-requisites. Don’t wait until the deadline has elapsed.
You can find out more here.