Ocean and Paddock and their Golden Batter

With the tag line “The humble Aussie Fish and Chip shop re-imagined’, and not wanting to be just another fish and chip shop – owners Trenton and Rebecca Brennan have reinvented the wheel with Ocean and Paddock in the seaside town of Albany.
Priding themselves on using fresh fish, caught by local fishermen and produce grown by local growers – the business strives to deliver consumers the best possible product.
Drawn to Albany from the United States for its local produce, work life balance and fresh seafood, the Brennan’s have based their menu on what’s available from local growers and fishermen.
“If you take local produce you can have a really good product and you don’t have to do a lot with it. It’s honest food.
“If we are going to be a small business and be part of the community, I think it is important the money is going back into the community”, Trenton said.
Winning the State leg of the competition has meant validation for the young couple, showing that they are achieving what they aimed for.
But the competition isn’t over just yet with Ocean and Paddock having bigger fish to fry.
The national leg of the Australian fish and chip competition has officially commenced and It is up to you, the connoisseurs of fish and chips to vote for Ocean and Paddock who are currently placed in third place.
Head to: http://www.fishandchipsawards.com.au/Vote to cast your vote.
It will take you less than the time it will take you to say ‘ keep calm and eat fish and chips’.
Good luck Ocean and Paddock – Western Australia is behind you.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Fish and Chip Award – Sponsored by Mareterram
People’s Chioce Award – Sponsored by Francis A Jones