Open Call for Project Applications for Fisheries Research
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is making a public call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for research project funding that address a range of priority areas. Click to read more
FRDC is a joint venture research funding scheme between the commercial fishing industry and the Federal Government. Every commercial fishing licence in WA contributes through their annual access fees an amount of 0.25% of the gross value of production for each fishery. Every $1 raised by industry is matched by a $1 from the Federal Government.
Given the public nature of marine resources the Federal Government has agreed to also invest a further $2 for every $1 from industry for assist funding research proposals that have a significant benefit to the broader public good.
A proportion of the funds raised from industry (and matching funds from government) are allocated on a state-by-state basis and invested back into industry through approved research project funding.
General research priority areas have been identified by the fishing industry and are set out within the WA Research Advisory Committee R&D Plan 2016-2020. A copy of this plan can be obtained at:
Specific R&D priority areas for the November 2017 call for expressions of interest can also be found at:
Expressions of Interest must be submitted by the 15th of February 2018. EOIs not submitted by this date may not be accepted unless prior approval for a later submission date is provided by the FRDC.
A description of how to Apply for Funding by submitting a research project proposal (know as an Expression of Interest) can be viewed on the FRDC website at the following link:
For all enquiries please contact Skye Barrett, Project Manager, WA Research Advisory Committee on Mob: 0419 935 945 or Email: [email protected]