State Marine Park Update
Ngari Capes Marine Park zoning has been gazetted and fishing prohibitions will come in to effect in April 2019. It is expected that applications for compensation will be invited in the new year. When announced, there will be a six-week window for affected persons to request consideration based on fishing history.
DPIRD have provided an update on progress of other state marine parks, including Eighty Mile Beach and the Greater Kimberley Marine Park which can be found here.
If you have not yet had input into the planning for the proposed Buccaneer Archipelago Marine Park (including King Sound and Dampier Peninsular north of Broome), please get in contact with Matt Pember at WAFIC via 9432 7715 or [email protected]
Recfishwest have also recently updated their app to include a map of the boundaries and zones for currently gazetted state and commonwealth marine parks. This great initiative of Recfishwest brings this information together in an easily accessible way and will likely be useful for commercial and recreational fishers alike.

Recfishwest App – containing information re: State/Commonwealth marine parks

Screenshot – recfishwest app showcasing Commonwealth/State marine parks