Visit to Jurien

WAFIC Resource Access Officer Mark Cammilleri, headed north to Jurien Bay to attend the Northern Agricultural Catchments Council (NACC), Natural Resource Management (NRM) strategy meeting for the Northern Agricultural Region which stretches from a little south of Lancelin to just north of Geraldton.

The NACC is one of Australia’s 56 regional NRM organisations working to accomplish nation-wide management, restoration and protection of Australia’s natural environment by addressing national environmental priorities at the regional level.

NACC’s vision, as a proud not-for-profit NRM organisation, is to build a community committed to environmental stewardship.

Jurien Jetty

Jurien Jetty

WAFIC was invited to be part of the Coastal and Marine subgroup tasked with reviewing and re-working the 2005 NRM strategies to ensure they remain focused and relevant under the strains of changing environmental conditions fuelled by climate change.

Other members of the Coastal and Marine sub group were regional NACC officers, regional expert consultants, local community beach rescue organisers, local DPaW officers, and others.

The group discussed;

  • Maintaining/improving biodiversity and ecosystem integrity – for coastal and island vegetation
  • Ensuring ecosystems and fish stocks are maintained at current levels of quality and health
  • Identifying 4 projects to support marine research for the area.
  • Improving education and communication to communities to encourage greater contribution for effective NRM
  • A list of clear objectives is in the process of development and will become available in the near future.

For further info on the NACC, and NRM strategies for the northern agricultural region HEAD TO NACC.

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