Moses Snapper and Fennel Apple Salad With Vinagrette
We’re all time-poor and busy but still want and need to eat well. This recipe devised by chef Zoe Kumar for the Smartfish Education Program is guaranteed to feed the family with ease and comfort. This recipe sees the meaty flesh of the Moses Snapper combined with earthy flavours such as sandalwood nuts and ground bush tomato topped with a simple apple and fennel salad– lending a freshness and crunch that’s unbeatable.
Serves 3
500-600g Moses Snapper
1 whole Fennel
1 whole Red Onion
2 whole Green Apples
3 tbsp Ground Bush Tomato
1 tbsp Ground Pepper Berry
50g Sandalwod Nuts
To taste Salt Bush
2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
1 tbsp Dijon
2 tbsp Tabasco
100ml White Wine Vinegar
1 Lemon
1 Lime
100ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Ask your local fishmonger to fillet fish to desired size so that you don’t have to.
Finely slice the fennel, apple and onions. Mix together in a bowl.
Blend the bush tomato, sandalwood, pepper berry and salt bush ingredients together.
Once the ingredients are blended add 1 tbsp vegetable oil to the mixture.
Proceed to marinate the snapper.
Add 1 tbsp of vegetable oil to the pan and fry snapper for 2 minutes on one side.
Once the flesh has turned white, turn to finish cooking before serving.
Drizzle left over marinate in the pan on a clean plate and place the fish fillets on top.
Dress salad with vinaigrette and place on top of the fish fillets. Drizzle the plate with extra vinaigrette and serve.
Vinaigrette Method
Mix all ingredients with stick blender except oil
Add oil gradually until desired taste and thickness