Aquatic Resource Management Act delayed as consultation continues

Following ongoing consultation with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), the Minister for Fisheries has proposed a delay to the implementation of the new Aquatic Resource Management Act (ARMA), which was due to come into effect on 1 November 2023.

The Minister for Fisheries has recently been consulting with peak representative bodies regarding implementation of the new Act and has identified the need to develop a common understanding of ARMA and its management implications amongst peak sector bodies prior to implementation has been identified.

DPIRD will convene a workshop with peak representative bodies and sector bodies to allow for parties to gain a common understanding of ARMA principles, operational implications and policy/system requirements.

It is expected that the workshop will take place in mid-late August.

The outcome of the workshop will be a key consideration for the Minister in determining the new timeframe for ARMA implementation.

Read more about ARMA on the fisheries website here.

WAFIC has also developed an ARMA page on its website to keep members informed and updated. You can view it here.

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