Impact assessment and recovery arrangements following Cyclone Seroja
Following last weekend’s cyclone event, we are receiving a lot of valuable feedback on the status of our fishing fleets and land-based infrastructure but would like regular updates as the situation emerges to ensure we can support as best we can.
Fortunately from what we have heard to date it appears the fishing industry has avoided serious injuries or damage, however we remain cautious given communications are limited.
DPIRD is currently assessing the impacts of Cyclone Seroja on WA’s commercial fisheries and aquaculture in order to contribute to WAs recovery arrangements and inform the impact statement for the State Recovery Coordinator. Your urgent input is vital to this response to ensure your needs are properly represented.
As part of this process, DPIRD is gathering any information about the impacts to any affected commercial fisheries in the following areas:
- Economic impacts
- Structural/equipment loss
- Delays to resume normal operations
- Stock loss (if applicable) or subsequent impacts on fishing
There may be other impacts which are outside the above listed areas which should also be provided.
As this information is required ASAP, DPIRD fisheries managers and WAFIC may also contact relevant licence holders and sector bodies directly. We apologise for any double-ups but it’s important the information gets through.
We are aware telecommunications issues may hamper or delay your response, but please send your feedback and comments to [email protected] as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or require any further information please contact WAFIC directly on (08) 9432 7777.
Keep safe and best regards,
Darryl Hockey
Chief Executive Officer,
WA Fishing Industry Council