Local outlets supporting State or Origin labelling
While the Federal Government is sitting on its hands over Country of Origin labelling in the food service sector, a number of WA restaurants and fish & chip shops are taking up the fight.
The Tankk fish & chip shop group has headlined the issue in its latest newsletter and are showing why consumers can’t have confidence in some food service outlets.

The simple fact is that having no State (or Country) of original labelling on seafood sold through food service outlets allows consumers to be sold ‘snapper’ when it’s really a cheaper import like Vietnamese Basa. And if you want to see why Basa is not an ideal fish, google the dozens of videos on YouTube. It’s pretty gross.
So support those shops that support WA seafood and remember to always ask where your fish comes from – and always buy local.
You can read more about the Country of Origin labelling debacle here.