Have your say on issues impacting training delivery and engagement
Delivering and accessing formal vocational education and training (VET) training where it’s needed can be challenging in certain industry areas and regions, so here’s your chance to have a say.
Skills Insight is consulting with stakeholders as part of a project to better understand the barriers registered training organisations (RTOs) face in delivering particular qualifications, and the issues learners and employers face in accessing formal training.
Eleven industry areas have been identified for qualitative research, including four in the seafood industry:
- aquaculture
- fishing operations
- seafood post-harvest operations
- fisheries compliance.
Industry members now have the opportunity to participate and share insights via interviews, site visits and focus groups.
Your input will be used to produce a research paper outlining the barriers to meeting training demand and recommendations for potential strategies to address them.
For more information and to get involved, visit the Skills Insight website.