Worksafe WA to review Man Overboard Code of Practice

Worksafe WA has advised it will soon commence the formation of a steering committee to review and update the Code of Practice for Man Overboard for the commercial fishing industry under the auspices of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020.

This will also be relevant to the pearling and aquaculture industries.

The existing section 53 Man Overboard CoP was initially developed in 2010.

A copy of the Code of Practice can be found here.

The Code needs to be reviewed and updated given the introduction of the new WHS legislation in March 2022.
The existing Code is a guideline only but can be referred to in court proceedings.

WAFIC has proposed that the review steering committee should include at-sea representatives from each of the sectors – pot/trap, trawl, line, inshore estuary, pearling and aquaculture.

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