AMSA Extends Consultation Period on Mandatory Float-Free EPIRBs

AMSA has extended public consultation on proposed changes to introduce the carriage of float-free emergency position-indication radio beacons (EPRIBs) on certain kinds of domestic commercial vessels (DCVs).

Prior to the close of the initial consultation (12/12/17), AMSA received feedback that some industry stakeholders were not aware of the proposed changes to the EPIRB requirements, or needed further time to provide feedback.

Consultation will now close 2nd February 2018.

The original proposal from AMSA was to introduce the requirement from 1st January 2019.

WAFIC’s initial submission supported the introduction of float-free EPIRBs but recommended that the changeover be delayed for any vessel until the expiry date of an existing EPIRBs where this is after 1st January 2019.

AMSA has decided (based on feedback received in the initial consultation period) to make the following changes to the proposal:

  • Class 4C vessels are now included in the proposed amendments.
  • The commencement date change to 1 April 2018, with a 12 month transitional period – meaning that by 1 April 2019, all affected vessels will need to carry a float-free EPIRB. 
  • AMSA also proposes to clarify that inflatable coastal life rafts required to carry an EPIRB under NSCV Part C7A only need to carry a manually activated EPIRB.

AMSA advise that the new proposed commencement date of 1 April 2018 will provide adequate time to make any changes necessitated by feedback received during external consultation and provide industry with the revised regulations and guidance material well ahead of 1 April 2018.

Notwithstanding the new proposed commencement date, AMSA still considers that a 12 month transitional period following commencement is appropriate to give industry time to comply with the new EPIRB requirements.

Updated consultation documents are published on the AMSA Facebook page and in the AMSA E-news.

Please provide your feedback using our online consultation tool or via email to [email protected]

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