AMSA Sets Out Proposed Annual Levy Arrangements for 1st July 2018
In December 2017 the Australian governments announced they agreed to provide over $102.4 million to support industry in transitioning to a national marine safety management service under the Australian Marine Safety Authority (AMSA).
(WAFIC News December 2017)
To assist industry understanding of the proposed cost recovery levy model included within the announcement, AMSA has a information page on their website for owners and operators information.
AMSA has published a levy table on their website, together with more details about the services that AMSA will be provided when they takeover full management responsibility of marine safety management across Australia from 1st July 2018.
AMSA has also included how they have responded to industry’s feedback following the 2016 levy consultation.
The published table sets out the proposed annual levy for the first five (5) years commencing with a ‘zero levy’ in 2018-19. The ‘zero levy’ reflects the first year of the 10 years government funding support announced in December 2017.
The table then goes on to show the proposed annual levy charges from the 2019/20 through to 2022/23 incorporating the government funding support. (Note: The annual services costs include an indicative 2.5% CPI increase for each year. The costs of administering the national system and the levy will be subject to a full financial review in 2020/21).
Minor refinements to the fees for services will be made to reflect adjustments to costs for some business processes. AMSA will publish these on the website once they receive the necessary approvals.
Important information about the status of these tables
It is important to note that the levy is subject to legislation being passed by the Australian Parliament. The Bill for the AMSA annual levy is expected to be introduced into parliament in 2018.
For cost recovery information go to:
For information on the transition from States to AMSA from 1st July 2018 go to:
For AMSA services information go to: