AMSA Vessel Levies Released by Federal Government

From 1 July 2018, AMSA will deliver all national system services, including the certification of vessels and seafarers and ensuring they comply with safety standards.
The Department of Transport and Infrastructure has released information on the on the proposed AMSA vessel levies to apply 1st July 2018.
From 1 July 2018, AMSA will deliver all national system services, including the certification of vessels and seafarers and ensuring they comply with safety standards. The national system will mean the fees for vessel services will be the same in all Australian states and territories.
On 6 December 2017, the Transport and Infrastructure Council announced a $102.4 million package to support industry to transition to new national arrangements for domestic commercial vessel safety in response to industry feedback and to ensure the safety and productivity benefits of this important national reform can be realised. Click here to see announcement.
As a result, a levy for the national system will be phased in gradually to allow time for industry to adjust and prepare for the changes. No levy will be charged to industry in the first year of AMSA’s service delivery as the government subsidy is 100%. This is to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all operators as charging arrangements are standardised and services transition across Australia. Levy charges will then increase gradually with no more than 55% of the full levy payable by any vessel by end of year 3. There will be a review of costs and charges in 2020–21.
AMSA has applied the levy based on following principles based on risk:
- Larger vessel pays higher levy
- Vessels operating further offshore pay higher levy
- Vessels carrying passengers pay higher levy
Please click here to see the Levy Fees. These fees do not include survey costs.
The Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) Levy Bills will implement the legal framework for the levy, which will ultimately fund AMSA to deliver the majority of services under the national system. The draft legislative instruments detail the charging arrangements for the levy. The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities is conducting a public consultation process to inform final drafting of legislative instruments that will implement an annual levy and fees for services on domestic commercial vessels.