Clayton Nelson talks Rottnest Scallops with ABC Rural

Rottnest Island Scallops – Image Instagram:  @aquamanaustralia

After multiple surveys over the last three years to monitor the scallop stock levels around Rottnest Island, One Sea Director Clayton Nelson, is hopeful to begin fishing again later this year or into next year, after a long road of recovery after the Marine Heat Wave. He said that the business – which sent live scallops every day from Fremantle to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and around Perth – had to shut shop for a couple of years to wait for the next phase of the fishery to recover. Clayton notes that although business is looking up, scallops are environmentally sensitive and can change quickly. He said that One Sea is committed to boosting the scallop population by spending money on research, to make the industry more sustainable and manageable into the long term. Concluding Clayton mentioned that the future is always hopeful, “that is why we are fishermen.”

Click on the below audio clip for Clayton’s interview with ABC.

The entire ABC Rural broadcast can be Listened to here.

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