WAFIC Chairman on Country of Origin Labelling Laws


Catching WA snapper in Carnarvon

WAFIC Chair Arno Verboon was interviewed by the ABC for the Country Hour program and was asked about the Federal Government’s intention to consult with industry over Country of Origin Labelling laws.

Arno was quick to point out that although WAFIC does not oppose imported seafood, it strongly supports the need for consumers to be given enough information so they can make informed decisions about the seafood they buy.

There are arguments for low cost seafood and there are arguments for supporting local jobs and regional communities. Click here to listen to what Arno had to say ON THE ABC.

One response to “WAFIC Chairman on Country of Origin Labelling Laws”

  1. Kaye says:

    The chairman sounded quite reasonable. I wonder why anyone would be opposed to better labeling laws.

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