Dob-in-a-mate: Introducing retail manager Lucy Lynch

This month we meet Lucy Lynch the energetic, passionate and friendly manager from Seafresh  Myaree fish market. Drawing inspiration from her father Peter Lynch, Lucy said “his passion and dedication to the industry is extremely contagious” which was one of the driving factors for her to continue with family tradition and enter into the industry.

With a varied role from interacting and educating customers to training staff and unloading an “awesome load” of fish from Kalbarri – she is constantly on her toes – but never without a smile. She says she draws positive feedback from customers who “act as a constant reminder as to why it is so important to keep doing what I do – educating the public and raising their confidence in the WA Commercial Fishing Industry”.

Introducing Lucy Lynch the energetic, passionate and friendly manager from Seafresh Myaree fish market

Introducing Lucy Lynch the energetic, passionate and friendly manager from Seafresh Myaree fish market

How did you get into the seafood industry?

I am currently managing the Seafresh Myaree fresh fish market and have been doing so since it began, nearly 5 years now. I had a daughter last year so now managing part time.

What do you love about your job?

I love most things about the job– being around delicious, fresh food all day long; interacting with and educating customers; training staff, and the variety of tasks to complete throughout the day keeps me on my toes (one minute I could be doing payroll, and the next I’m unloading an awesome load of fish from Kalbarri, then teaching a customer about the blue manna crab season… never stops).

How did you get into the seafood industry? 

Like most people, growing up with the family in the industry definitely was the main factor.’

Where do you work now and how long have you worked in your current position?

I am currently managing the Seafresh Myaree fresh fish market and have been doing so since it began, nearly 5 years now. I had a daughter last year so now managing part time.

What do you love about your job?

I love most things about the job– being around delicious, fresh food all day long; interacting with and educating customers; training staff, and the variety of tasks to complete throughout the day keeps me on my toes (one minute I could be doing payroll, and the next I’m unloading an awesome load of fish from Kalbarri, then teaching a customer about the blue manna crab season… never stops).

Have you got a favourite moment from the sea?

Thankfully, I’m not out at sea as I do get quite sea sick

What’s the strangest thing you’ve caught at sea?

On a personal note, back in 2002, we caught mud crabs in the Moore River in Guilderton, on a fishing line while trying to catch black bream. We got 2 beauties, and made a delicious crab salad that night. Mud crabs had never been officially sighted that far south at that time (and to this day is still a rare occurrence).

Who inspires you?

I draw a lot of inspiration from my father, Peter Lynch, who has taught me most of what i know now. His passion and dedication to the industry is extremely contiguous. I also draw a lot of inspiration from positive feedback from customers, who source as a constant reminder as to why it is so important to keep doing what I do, in regards to educating public and raising their confidence in the Commercial Fishing Industry
What other thoughts do you have about the seafood industry generally?

It is a fantastic industry to be involved in, but there is a severe lack of educational resources, particularly in Australia. Other countries have done much better in this regard, but with such variations in the industry between countries, there can never be “one size fits all” approach.

We need to make some serious investment in this area to raise the calibre and level of professionalism within our industry,  which if executed correctly, will raise consumer confidence of our unique and dynamic industry.

What’s your favourite seafood?

I love scampi and cuttlefish. With regards to fish, my favourites are definitely Rankin Cod and Pearl Perch.

In saying that, I’ll go any fish that is a bit chubby with stunning marbling throughout the flesh.

Any interesting stories?

I do not want to put any one down, so will just say working with the public– they never cease to amaze me (with regards to obscure questions and ignorance/lack of general knowledge)



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