Funding of Up to $8,000 for Farming and Agriculture Sector Women Available
Building on the significant developmental momentum achieved in 2017, Women and Leadership Australia is administering a national initiative to support the development of female leaders across Australia’s fishing, farming and agricultural sector.

Women and Leadership Australia (WLA) is a national initiative committed to supporting the presence of women in business and community leadership roles. WLA is based on the belief that women represent an enormously under-utilised national resource. Through supporting a greater percentage of talented women to step up into leadership positions, tremendous cultural and economic benefits will follow.
This current initiative is providing women with grants of between $3,000 and $8,000 to enable participation in a range of leadership development programs.
The scholarship funding is provided with the specific intent of providing powerful and effective development opportunities for women in the agricultural and fishing sectors; however the funding is strictly limited and has to be allocated prior to the end of March 2018.
Expressions of Interest
Find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form here prior to Friday, March 16: