Inmarsat to commence migration of satellite C services
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has been advised via their airtime provider that Inmarsat will be commencing a migration of satellite C services from their current I -3 constellation (which is nearing end of life) to the newer I-4 satellite constellation.
During this migration process, which is scheduled across 2018, DPIRD has been advised that the WA fleet may experience periodic outages whilst necessary work is undertaken. DPIRD understands that there is a risk that older models, for example the Thrane and Thrane 3022 and 3026 models, may encounter problems during the transition. There is also the possibility that older models will cease to be compatible and require replacement.
This migration will be experienced worldwide with up to 180, 000 vessels expected to be affected. During this time the Department will work with industry to rectify issues that may occur with individual units and minimise disruption to fishing across all VMS monitored fisheries. In the event that fishing may be impacted, local compliance staff will be able to advise of contingency reporting procedures where appropriate. If you encounter problems or have further questions, please contact your unit manufacturer, a marine technician or the DPIRD VMS staff.
Should you be interested in following the migration process online you can access this information through the Marlink website below.