Inquiry into Private Property Rights

The Western Australian Parliament Legislative Council has referred the matter of an inquiry into private property rights to its Public Administration Committee

The committee comprises:

Hon Adele Farina MLC (SW Region, ALP)

Hon Jacqui Boydell MLC (Mining & Pastoral Region, National Party))

Hon Darren West MLC (Agriculture Region, ALP)

Hon Kyle McGinn MLC (Mining & Pastoral Region ALP)

Hon Ken Baston MLC (Mining and Pastoral Region, Liberal Party)

The Terms of Reference for the Inquiry are:

That the House —

(a) recognises the fundamental proprietary right of private property ownership that underpins the social and economic security of the community;

(b) recognises the threat to the probity of the Torrens title system, which guarantees disclosure, and re-establishes the necessity for registration of all encumbrances that affect land including environmentally sensitive areas, bushfire-prone areas and implied easements for Western Power that currently sit behind the certificate of title;

(c) recognises the property rights of government-issued licenses and authorities including commercial fishing;

(d) asserts that fair and reasonable compensation must be paid to the owner of private property if the value of the property is diminished by a government encumbrance or resumption in order to derive a public benefit; and

(e) directs the Standing Committee on Public Administration to conduct an inquiry into the matters described above – with them as its terms of reference – and to report to the House within nine months of the date of the referral.

For a copy of WAFIC’s submission see:$file/pc.ppr.055.190731.sub.wa%20fishing%20industry%20council.pdf

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