During 2018 a number of WA Marine Park zonings will come into effect (gazetted). Preliminary advice indicates the following timelines:
- Ngari Capes: mid-late Jan 2018
- Lalang-Garran Marine Parks (Camden Sound and Hori Falls)- March/April 2018
- Roebuck Bay- March/April 2018
- North Kimberley- May 2018
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has advised that there will be a 12 month transition period between the gazettal of marine park zonings and the introduction of fishing prohibitions.
The Department further advises that: the transition will provide time for the compensation processes for affected commercial fisheries to commence, and where possible, finalised prior to fishing restrictions. Commercial fishers should be mindful that the core principle of the compensation process is in proving a reduction in market value of an authorisation. Importantly, any fishing history recorded during the transition period is not relevant in considering claims
WAFIC invite fishers who think they may be affected by these Parks to register their details with WAFIC at the following email address ([email protected]). This will assist WAFIC in providing further guidance on the compensation process.
Fisheries potentially affected (based on catch history analysis over last 5 years)
Ngari Capes Marine Park
- Abalone Managed Fishery
- West Coast Rock Lobster
- West Coast Demersal Scalefish
- Joint Authority Southern Demersal Gillnet and Demersal Longline
- Octopus Fishery
- South Coast Crustacean
- South Coast Purse Seine
- South West Coast Beach Net
- South West Coast Salmon
- Marine Aquarium Fish
- Specimen Shell
Lalang-garram Marine Parks
- Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Fishery
- Kimberley Prawn Fishery
- Kimberley Mud Crab Fishery
- Northern Demersal Scalefish (Area 1)
- Mackerel Managed Fishery
- Sea Cucumber
Roebuck Bay Marine Park
- Nil (the management plan prohibits commercial gillnetting throughout the park and this reflects Government’s decision to remove gillnetting from the area and purchase Todd Morris’ licences in 2013).
North Kimberley Marine Park
- Kimberley Gillnet and Barramundi Fishery
- Kimberley Prawn Fishery
- Kimberley Mud Crab Fishery
- Northern Demersal Scalefish (Area 1)
- Mackerel Managed Fishery
- Sea Cucumber