Public Consultation Out Now: South-West Blue Swimmer Crab Resource
The South-West Management paper on the Protection of Breed Stock Levels in the Blue Swimmer Crab Resource is OUT NOW. Comments on the Discussion Paper are sought from all stakeholders, including commercial and recreational fishers, relevant community interest groups, government agencies and interested members of the public. To ensure your comment is taken into account, your submission must be received no later than 4pm on 23 November 2018.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is seeking comment on :
Click for summarised version: Fisheries Management Paper 288 -Summary
Note that the current department proposals will severely impact fishers from the Swan River to Geographe Bay.
All commercial submissions should be sent to SSPWA via [email protected]
Comments on the Discussion Paper are sought from all stakeholders, including commercial and recreational fishers, relevant community interest groups, Government agencies and interested members of the public. Once public comments have been considered, the Minister for Fisheries will consider feedback and make decisions on appropriate management arrangements for the South West blue swimmer crab resource.
Although specific issues have been identified, your views are sought on any or all of the matters in this Discussion Paper of significance to you and/or your group.
To ensure your submission is as effective as possible – please:
- Make it clear and concise; &
- List your points according to the topic sections and page numbers in this Discussion.
- State whether you agree or disagree with any or all of the information within each topic, or on matters of specific interest to you. Clearly state your reasons, particularly if you disagree and give sources of information where possible; &
- Outline any alternative suggestions that take into consideration the issues.

DUE DATE & Contact Details (DPIRD):
Your comments should be submitted by 4pm on 23 November 2018 and should be addressed to:
The Director Aquatic Resource Management
Attention: Crab Management Officer
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 39
Cloisters Square WA 6850
Or by email to:
Please note that Tim Nicholas from DPIRD is the spokesperson. You can contact him via: [email protected]
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