National Seafood Industry Leadership Program (NSILP) – Applications Now Open

2016 graduates – Matt Watson says he he walked away from NSILP 2016 feeling more confident, inspired, and re-energised.
Matt Watson, MSC Oceania and SE Asia Fisheries Outreach Manager, said that he was sceptical when he first signed up to National Seafood Industry Leadership Program (NSILP) in 2016. But after the nine-month journey, came to realise that understanding leadership is simply not a journey that one can take alone.
“As an avid self-learner, I wondered what my facilitators and peers could teach me that I couldn’t find out on my own.”
“Nine months on, after three course residentials and many extracurricular assignments, I’ve come to realise that understanding leadership is simply not a journey you can take alone,” he said.
An ongoing project funded by the Australian government through the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation with sponsorship from the Sydney Fish Market, the program is designed to assist people take up leadership roles in the seafood industry. Participants are selected from all over Australia for the program from all different sectors of the industry including processing, fishing, extension, exporters, importers, marketing, deckhands, indigenous and recreational fishers.
The program’s focus is to give participants the right tools and understanding to have a positive impact on their own future, the future of their own businesses and the future of the Australian seafood industry.
Jill Briggs, Managing Director of Rural Training Initiatives says that the program is design for anyone who has leadership aspirations.
“Whether their (leadership aspirations) is at a local, regional, state or national level – we focus on people applying their knew-found knowledge in arena that is important to them.”
“And you will be surrounded by people who are very different from you – different background, learning level, industry experience – that is one of the elements makes the program hum – and you will work hard and have fun.”
“Sometimes you will feel stretched very thin and other times it will be easy. Graduates say it will change your life – every year it changes mine,” she said.
Mr Watson said that he walked away from NSILP 2016 feeling more confident, inspired, and re-energised about the future of the Australian seafood industry
“A little collaboration, an understanding of other perspectives, and belief in our power to make meaningful change can go a long way towards shaping an industry that helps feed the world,” he concluded.
The National Industry Leadership Program is now sourcing applications for 2018. If you’re a young leader and think you have what it takes, head to:
Note that applications close on Monday 15 January 2018.
Read Matt Watson’s detailed account here: