Greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) is considered a key species for aquaculture development on the south coast of WA.

An abalone farm and associated hatchery near Bremer Bay have been recently upgraded and modified to cater for planned growth in production and to accommodate biosecurity requirements.

The land-based farm and hatchery are operated according to a Biosecurity Plan, developed with input from the Department of Fisheries. Independent audits are undertaken to ensure compliance with the Biosecurity Plan.

An offshore abalone farm near Augusta is achieving encouraging early results for abalone that are being grown out using purpose-built concrete structures located on the sea bed. The operator is testing two new sites under an Exemption issued by the Department of Fisheries.

The abalone aquaculture industry sector currently operates under the Abalone Aquaculture in Western Australia policy.

To address the risk of a disease outbreak in wild and cultured abalone stocks, and because abalone aquaculture comprises an increasingly important part of Western Australia’s growing aquaculture industry, the Department of Fisheries is reviewing its Abalone Aquaculture Policy.

A key purpose of the revised Abalone Aquaculture Policy is to establish clear management guidelines and hence provide greater certainty to the sectors of the abalone industry.

Key Species Fished

Greenlip Abalone
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