Department of Transport confirms waiver details for commercial pen and mooring holders

After some weeks of discussion, WAFIC now has clarity on the waiving of pen and mooring fees specific to Department of Transport (DoT) managed facilities in Western Australia.

As part of the State Government’s financial assistance package for the seafood industry, the DoT is waiving pen and mooring fees for its existing commercial fishing and tourism charter vessel customers at its boat harbours, marinas and mooring control areas, for a 12-month period.

The location of DoT facilities are identified in the map which can be downloaded at this link or through the DoT website.

This assistance targets and supports businesses that are among the hardest hit in our community during this difficult time.

Under the agreement, fees will be waived from the next payment period. As an example, for an annual fee paid in September 2019, the anniversary date will be September 2020 when the waiver will be applied. Your next due date for payment of your annual fee will be September 2021.

Unfortunately, refunds are not available for customers who have already paid their annual pen or mooring fees for this year. This will be held on credit for your 2021 payment.

Vessel accommodation fees will be waived for commercial fishing and tourism charter customers.

Financial assistance will be limited to your vessel accommodation payment last year and any

There’s more information and answers to Frequently Asked Questions here.

DoT will be writing to their clients directly, to discuss individual needs, please contact your facility manager or email: [email protected]


  • This assistance package is specifically for DoT clients. WAFIC is writing to the Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC, Minister for Ports seeking support for commercial fishers accessing facilities in Port Authority managed locations across the state.  WAFIC will advise as soon as further information becomes available.
  • Is your pen and mooring in neither DoT or Port Authority managed locations resulting in no assistance to you and your business? Please email Mannie Shea at WAFIC – [email protected]  – with your feedback by 12 noon Friday 24th April so we can look to access any alternative approaches for other means of pen and mooring support.

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