Dóh! Stalled trail bike leads to marron bust

The best laid plans for a marron poacher fell apart last February when his trail bike stalled while failing to stop for Honorary Fisheries Officers after they had turned on flashing lights on their vehicles.

The rider was one of two who had failed to stop for the officers, with the other rider departing the scene.

When officers checked the apprehended man’s backpack they charged him with illegal possession of 42 marron.

The night’s events took place inside the prohibited area of the water catchment at Victoria Reservoir in Canning Mills, where no fishing or marroning is allowed at any time of the year.

The 35 year old admitted to catching the marron by hand, whilst snorkelling in the dam. The marron were seized and released alive back into the water.

An Armadale Court magistrate ordered the man to pay a total of $3859.30; including a fine of $1,500 for possession of marron in a non-possession period, the mandatory additional penalty of $2,100 (equal to 10 times the prescribed value of $5 for each of the 42 marron involved in the offence). Costs of $259.30 were also added to the offender’s court bill.

Department of Primary Industries and Regioanl Development’s (DPIRD) Director of Regional Compliance Metro, Todd A’Vard said this was another reminder that fishing offences carry large fines and mandatory additional penalties.

“Out of season marron fishing is something our DPIRD compliance officers close to Perth and in the South West and Southern regions check on throughout the year.

“We work closely with WA Police in regional areas to detect illegal marron fishing and in this case Water Corporation Catchment rangers looking after our drinking water dams, who have legal status as Honorary Fisheries Officers if they come across people fishing illegally,” Mr A’Vard said.

We can all help better manage freshwater and marron fishing activities by reporting suspected illegal marroning to FishWatch on 1800 815 507.”

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