YOUR INPUT REQUIRED – COVID-19 Impacts On WA Seafood Industry

Both the Commonwealth and the WA Government have recently announced a raft of economic stimulus measures ( to support the WA community and small businesses during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These measures apply across a wide range of businesses.

WAFIC is working with SIA to see members of the seafood industry get the best possible outcomes, both within and external to the announced stimulus measures.

For our industry participants to effectively deal with the economic fallout of COVID-19 it’s vitally important that WAFIC and our industry partners have a clear picture of the scope and extent of the impact on our members, along with third-party issues, such as increasing freight costs, in order to establish an industry-wide response. With this detailed information we can continue to inform relief policy specific to the fishing and aquaculture sectors.

As a matter of urgency, (if you have not yet done so) can you please download the document at, fill it in and return to Seafood Industry Australia at: [email protected]

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