In line with expert health and government advice on the evolving COVID-19 situation, WAFIC is updating our controls and restrictions to protect the health and safety of our employees.
Our priority is to provide a safe workplace for our staff and colleagues, and for our people to be in the best position to look after themselves, their families and community. We also acknowledge and prioritise the body of work WA’s seafood industry will require from its peak body as we each seek to survive, adapt and recover from the impacts of COVID on industry and community.
WAFIC will continue to operate on behalf of industry as much as possible on a “business as usual” basis with all staff having remote access from their home workplace and being contactable during normal business hours, as of Friday 27 March 2020.
The WAFIC office will be closed and we ask that you make other arrangements of contact with WAFIC staff (email, phone, video/teleconference etc).
Non-essential travel for staff for work purposes has also been suspended.
Thankfully, to date all WAFIC staff and families are healthy and well and doing their bit to minimise public health risks, in line with the directives and orders of the moment.
If you have any urgent questions or concerns, please contact staff directly on their mobile or via email. All WAFIC staff are able to assist industry and stakeholders during regular business hours.
Alex Ogg | Chief Executive Officer |
0409 378 225 |
Guy Leyland | Industry MSC Project Leader |
0417 907 967 |
Mannie Shea | Executive Officer RA |
0452 070 037 |
Matt Pember | Senior Resource Access Officer |
0438 511 226 |
Craig Sinclair | Communications Officer |
0419 522 990 |
Amanda Beaton | Executive Assistant (and all general enquiries) | [email protected] |
Grace Zhou | Finance Officer | [email protected] |
Thank you for your understanding as we all make adjustments during this uncertain time.
Alex Ogg
Chief Executive Officer