ProWest News – Are DBCA marine park policies being set by U.S eco-lobbyists?
I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that the South Coast Marine Park consultation debacle is sliding even further into disrepute, as WAFIC has uncovered a very concerning development where it appears that the DBCA team are being guided and supported by a wealthy US-based environmental lobby group.
It’s hard to imagine a time that any WA Government department would throw the interests and welfare of Western Australian communities under the bus to appease the needs of a wealthy US lobby group, but here we are today. You can read the story in the latest edition of Prowest at this link.
I’ve also included an ABC radio interview from last Friday where WAFIC’s new Chair, Adele Farina, also questions the process and the validity of the consultation process, which has all the hallmarks of delivering a pre-determined outcome.
There’s also an interesting ABC radio interview with Ian Mickel, President of the Esperance Shire Council (which is elected by south coast people to represent their views), where he expresses that their concerns have not been heard, the amount of areas in sanctuary zones is too high and there is an imbalance between environmental and socio-economic factors.