What is stopping you from keeping you and your mates safe?
Accidents can change lives forever – for families, friends, communities, even co-workers.
You may think “it won’t happen to me” but is that a risk you are willing to take? Especially when you and your mates are involved?
Take it from these local fishermen who experienced firsthand what it was like when faced with life or death situations while out at sea.
If you work in the fishing industry, be it out on the water, the wharf, work for someone else or on your own, or work for a fishing business, we are asking you to please HAVE YOUR SAY and complete the survey “What’s stopping you from keeping you and your mates safe”?!!
We are looking for a quick 15-25 minutes of your time, which we know is precious – but so is the life of you and your mates.
Together we can all support the efforts towards creating safer work environments throughout the fishing industry.
Please share this as widely as possibly to encourage as many people in the fishing industry (including wharf, admin, managers etc.) to complete this survey.”
Finer Details
Please click to access link for survey
Note this survey is completely anonymous, unless respondents would like to leave contact details for further follow up or to receive information. There is an option to enter information about specific events or issues relevant to the respondent.
Survey will be open from now (mid-April) until the end of June 2018.